Gail Shaw <gsh### [at] monotixcoza> wrote:
> I recall that someone (Chris Huff? ) wrote a patch so that the value of a
> pattern could
> be evaluated at a point. Is this available in megapov, if not is there any
> way I could find out the value of a pigment at a certain point in a
> I have a bozo pattern (pigment) and I want to be able to get 15 random
> pigments that
> the pattern would have produced.
Would translating the pigment by random amounts be enough? I use this
method in the Galaxy include file to produce differently shaped nebulae,
based on POV-Ray's various noise patterns, eg:
#declare R1 = seed(0);
#declare Patterns = array[15]
#declare C = 0; #while (C < 15)
#declare Patterns[C] = pigment {bozo
translate (<rand(R1), rand(R1), rand(R1)>-.5)*1000}
#declare C = C + 1; #end
Depending on how random you want the patterns you could add random scalings
and rotations as well.
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